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Philosophy of Biology

1. Philosophy of Biology and Philosophy of Science


Scientific Explanation


(2019) Shades of Grey: Granularity, Pragmatics, and Non-Causal Explanation. Perspectives on Science. (pdf)


(2017) Symmetry breaking and the emergence of path-dependence. Synthese. (pdf)


Natural Selection


(under contract) Evolutionary Thinking Across Disciplines: Problems and Perspectives in Generalized Darwinism. Editors: Agathe du Crest, Martina Valković, André Ariew, Hugh Desmond, Philippe Huneman & Thomas A.C. Reydon. Springer

(forthcoming) The Generalized Environment. In: du Crest et al. (ed), Evolutionary Thinking Across Disciplines: Problems and Perspectives in Generalized Darwinism. Springer.


(under review) The Fitness Commensurability Problem. With Grant Ramsey. 

(2021) Desmond, H. (2021) Adapting to Environmental Heterogeneity: Selection and Radiation. Biological Theory (pdf)


(2018) Natural Selection: Deriving Causality from Stable Equilibrium. Erkenntnis. (pdf)


Progress, Trends, and Evolutionary Laws


(2021) The Selectionist Rationale for Evolutionary Progress. Biology and Philosophy. DOI: 10.1007/s10539-021-09806-1


(2018) Natural Selection, Plasticity, and the Rationale for Largest-Scale Trends. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science C. DOI: 10.1016/j.shpsc.2018.04.002


Organismic Agency


(forthcoming) Sexual Selection as an Agential, not Selective Mechanism. In: Gayon, E., Huneman, P., Petit, V., Veuille, M. (eds). 150 Years of the Descent of Man. Springer.


(2022) The Integrated Information Theory of Agency. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. With Philippe Huneman. (pdf)


(2021) Niche construction and teleology: organisms as agents and contributors in ecology, development, and evolution. Biology and Philosophy. with Bendik Aaby. (pdf)


(2020) The Ontology of Organismic Agency: A Kantian Approach. In: Altobrando, A., Biasetti, P., Natural Born Monads: On the Metaphysics of Organisms and Human Individuals. Berlin: De Gruyter. With Philippe Huneman. (pdf)



Human Nature, Human Success

(forthcoming) Human Success: Evolutionary Origins and Ethical Implications. Oxford University Press. (With Grant Ramsey.)


(forthcoming) Generalized Evolutionary Success and Human Evolution. In: Desmond, H., & Ramsey, G. (eds), Human Success: Evolutionary Origins and Ethical Implications, Oxford: Oxford University Press.



2. Bioethics and Philosophy of Technology

Human Enhancement


(2023) Enhancement and Success: Beyond Techno-Libertarianism. In: Desmond, H., & Ramsey, G. (eds), Human Success: Evolutionary Origins and Ethical Implications, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (pdf)


(2022) Personal welfare, Enhancement, and Cultural Evolution. American Journal for Bioethics (pdf)


(2021) The Service View on Enhancement: A New Evolutionary Perspective. The Hastings Center Report. (pdf)


(2020) Service and Status may Help Explain Perceived Ethical Acceptability. The American Journal of Bioethics – Neuroscience. (pdf

Ethics of Social media and Algorithms


(2022) Reclaiming Privacy and Care in the Age of Social Media.  In: Jefferson, A., Palermos, O., Paris, P., Webber, J. Virtues and Values in a Changing World. Cambridge University Press. (pdf)


(forthcoming) Engineering Trustworthiness in the Online Environment. In: Alfano, M., Collins, D., (eds.), The Moral Psychology of Trust. Rowman and Littlefield​



Social Structure of Science

3. Trust in Science; Research Integrity


Incentives and Trust 


(2021) Incentivizing Replication is Insufficient to Safeguard Default Trust. Philosophy of Science. (pdf)


(2021) Precision Medicine, Data, and the Anthropology of Social Status. American Journal for Bioethics. (pdf)


Expert communication


(under review) The Ethics of Expert Communication


(2021) Expert Communication and the Self-Defeating Codes of Scientific Ethics. American Journal of Bioethics. (pdf)


(2021) Towards an Ethics of Expert Communication. Maja: Magazine of the Young Academy. Special issue with 10 best essays for the Essay Prize “Anticipating life after the COVID-19 pandemic”


Research Integrity

(2021) Research Integrity Codes of Conduct: Mapping the Divergences. Bioethics. With Kris Dierickx. (pdf)

Featured in Science

(2021) Trust and Professionalism in Science: Medical Codes as a Model for Scientific Negligence? BMC Biomedical Ethics. With Kris Dierickx. (pdf)


(2020) Professionalism in Science: Competence, Autonomy, and Service. Science and Engineering Ethics. (pdf)





(under review) Why We Should Rethink Philosophical Professionalism

©2022 by Hugh Desmond.

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